Discord Manager

Joaquie "Waki" Dolera

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The Founder

Jericho "Echo" Estares

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Community Manager

Samuel Migs "Sammeh" Gamay

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How did the community start?

Sammeh is the one who created the community before Kazaire even asked for it. He was Kazaire's biggest fan and is willing to risk his life for everything just for the sake of his idol. He was also one of Kazaire's best buddies and is willing to play with Kazaire even tho he is tired as hell.

Discord Server? Wow! Guitarer?? Wower!

I don't know why the title above is like that?? Anyway, there are many unique members inside the community. Like this guy named, Wen. His real-life skills are impeccable even in playing games.

Social Gathering

Kazaire sometimes plans a gathering of the community where the members and his friends go to a random place and socialize.

Types of Games We Usually Play!

Dynamic, Thrilling, Engaging

Experience heart-pounding excitement and intense rushes as you embark on action-packed adventures and overcome challenges!

Immersive, Percusion, Adrenaline

Dive into intense and exhilarating gameplay, where precision, excitement, and tactical thinking combine to deliver an electrifying gaming experience like no other!

Strategic, Team-based, Competitive

Step into the realm of exhilarating team-based competition, where calculated thinking, cooperation, and epic battles await, offering an unforgettable and rewarding gaming experience!

Character-driven, Story-rich, Fantasy

Embark on extraordinary adventures, become the hero of your own saga, and dive into a world of endless possibilities, offering a captivating gaming experience like no other!